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1. General Introduction
   1) Introducing Remarks
   2) Typology of Bilingual Dictionaries
   3) Evolution of Bilingual Dictionaries
   4) Words and Meaning
   5) Macrostructure of Bilingual Dictionaries
   6) Microstructure of Bilingual Dictionaries
   7) Lexical Equivalence in bilingual dictionaries
   8) Uses and Users
   1) Semantics and Bilingual Lexicography
   2)  Lexicology and Bilingual Lexicography
   3)  Cognitive Psychology and Bilingual Lexicography
   4)  Pragmatics and Bilingual Lexicography
   5)  Translation and Bilingual Lexicography
   6)  EFL learning and Bilingual Lexicography
   7)  Bilingual Dictionary Criticism
   8)  Pedagogical dictionaries and learners
   9)  Electronic dictionaries and computational aspects


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An Introduction to Bilingual Lexicography
(for MA Students)

General description

Bilingual lexicography is a comparatively new discipline, though the history of it can be traced back to three millenniums ago. The interdisciplinarity of this research field obviously demands one’s profound knowledge of linguistics, good command of both source language and target language, true understanding of the two different cultures and elaborative faculty for the related researches in neighboring fields. The basic requirements for MA candidates majoring in bilingual lexicography is to have a general grasp of this subject, its fundamentals and research methodology after two years’ course study and thesis writing. For the first year, the MA students are required to perform well in all general courses of English linguistics and applied linguistics, and a certain amount of supplementary readings should also be finished. For the second year, several compulsory degree courses in bilingual lexicography are to be taught, i.e. Introduction to Bilingual Lexicography; English and English lexicography The MA thesis will have to be finished in the third year and an oral defense arranged for the candidates before the degree is finally received. Finally, all MA students majoring in bilingual lexicography are encouraged to participate in certain part of some dictionary projects carried out by the Bilingual Dictionary Research Centre.

Course arrangements and assignments:

From the beginning of this September to the end of December, seminars will be held biweekly on Tuesdays (2:00-5:00pm). The last few weeks will be occupied with seminar presentations of student papers. Students will prepare a seminar paper (no less than 3000 English words) for presentation in class on either a historical aspect of the course, or a comparison between some major English-Chinese dictionaries produced in China, or an exploration of lexical equivalence in English-Chinese bilingual dictionaries, or any other topic concerned with bilingual lexicography.

                                                                                       (Wei Xiangqing, Sep. 2006)

Bilingual Dictionary Research Centre, Nanjing University

Wei Xiangqing
Building D, Bilingual Dictionary Research Centre
Tel: 89682620
Email: njuwxq@yahoo.com.cn



NOTE: In providing the student with this reading list there is neither requirement nor intention on behalf of the tutor that students should copy any item on the list. The student may find most of the reading material in the library of Bilingual Dictionary Research Centre or the University Library.

Preliminary Reading List

1 General Linguistics
   A.  The History of English Language★
   B.  The History of English Linguistics★
   C.  English Phonetics
   D.  English Phonology
   E.   English Morphology
   F.   English Syntax
   G.  Semantics★
   H.  Pragmatics★
   I.    English Lexicology★
2 Applied Linguistics
   J.   Second Language Acquisition★
3 Translation Studies★
4 Neighboring fields
   A. Cognitive psychology★
   B. Receptive theory★
   C. Language philosophy★

Basic Reading List

1. Reference Books

Reinhard R.K. Hartmann & Gregory James (1998) Dictionary of Lexicography, Routledge

2.  Journals

International Journal of Lexicography 1987-
Dictionaries: the Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America 1979-


3.  Conference Proceedings

《双语词典研究》—张柏然 主编
《双语词典学专集》黄建华,陈楚祥 主编
《双语词典论专集》黄建华 章宜华 主编
《亚洲辞书论集》黄建华,章宜华 主编
《双语词典学论集》张柏然,魏向清 主编
《双语词典学研究》张后尘 主编

RURALEX : Proceedings from congresses in Exeter 1983, Zurich1986, Budapest1988, Malaga1990,Tampere1992, Amsterdam1994, Goteborg1996, Liege1998, Stuttgart2000(Various dates, editors, and publishers)

4.     General Introduction

Henri Bejoint (2000) Modern LexicographyAn Introduction
Reinhard R.K. Hartmann(ed.) (1983) Lexicography: Principles and Practice, Academic Press
Reinhard R.K. Hartmann(2001) Teaching and Researching Lexicography, Longman
Sidney I. Landau (2001) Dictionaries: The Art and Craft of Lexicography, Cambridge University Press (2nd ed; 1st ed, 1989)
John McH. Sinclair, ed.(1987) :Looking Up: An Account of the COBUILD Project in Lexical Computing, HarperCollins
Bo Svensen (1993) Practical Lexicography, Oxford University Press
A. P. Cowie  English Dictionaries for Foreign Learners
Ladislav Zgusta(1971) Manual of Lexicography  Mouton, (21)
Lexicography (8)
Lexicography in English (13)
Bilingual Dictionaries for Indigenous Languages (15)

4.1 Introducing Remarks

Ali M. Al-Kasimi Linguistics and Bilingual Dictionaries, 1-11
Finngeir Hiorth: On the Foundations of Lexicography
Fred W. Householder and Sol Saporta(ed) : Problems in Lexicography  45-82, 85-150
R.R.K Hartmann(ed) a. Lexter’83 Proceedings, 1-30, 124-130
                                   b. Lexicography: Principles and Practice, 3-21,41-51
                                   c. Symposium on Lexicography II , 121-132, 169-181
Robert Ilson(ed): a. Dictionaries, Lexicography and Language Learning, 15-24
              b. Lexicography An Emerging International Profession, 138-152
Robert Walker Read: Approaches to Lexicography and Semantics

4.2 Typology of Bilingual Dictionaries

Fred W. Householder and Sol Saporta(ed): Problems in Lexicography, 3-24
Thomas Sebeok: Materials for a Typology of Dictionaries
Ali M. Al-Kasimi: Linguistics and Bilingual Dictionaries,12-31
Sidney I. Landau: Dictionaries The Art and Craft of Lexicography,6-34
R.R.K. Hartmann(ed): Lexicography: Principles and Practice, 153-162
Ladislav Zgusta: Manual of Lexicography, 272-303, 411-423

4.3 Evolution of Bilingual Dictionaries

R.L. Collison: A History of Foreign-Language Dictionaries
Tom Mcarthur: Worlds of Reference, 18-175
Sidney I. Landau: Dictionaries The Art and Craft of Lexicography,35-75
Robert Ilson(ed): Lexicography An Emerging International Profession,28-50

4.4 Words and Meaning

Ladislav Zgusta: Manual of Lexicography, 21-271
R.R.K. Hartmann(ed): Lexicography: Principles and practice, 77-98
Jack C. Gray(ed) : Words, words, and words about Dictionaries, 3-30
Eugene A. Nida: Exploring Semantic Structure
Geoffrey Leech: Semantics
F.R.Parlmer: Semantics
Stephen Ullman: Semantics An Introduction to the Science of Meaning, 36-79,116-140

4.5 Macrostructure of Bilingual Dictionaries

Sidney I. Landau: Dictionaries The Art and Craft of Lexicography, 226-293
Robert Ilson(ed): Dictionaries, Lexicography and Language Learning, 123-132
Ladislav Zgusta: Manual of Lexicography, 404-491
R.R.K. Hartmann(ed): Symposium on Lexicography II, 245-254

4.6 Microstructure of Bilingual Dictionaries

Ladislav Zgusta: Manual of Lexicography,404-473
Sidney I. Landau: Dictionaries The Art and Craft of Lexicography, 76-119,174-221
R.R.K. Hartmann(ed): Lexicography: Principles and practice, 99-119
Sumitra Mangesh Katre: Lexicography, 1-64

4.7 Lexical Equivalence in bilingual dictionaries

Fred W. Householder and Sol Saporta(ed): Problems in Lexicography, 153-160,201-216
Ladislav Zgusta: Manual of Lexicography, 428-448
Ali M. Al-Kasimi: Linguistics and Bilingual Dictionaries,32-82
Sidney I. Landau: Dictionaries The Art and Craft of Lexicography, 120-173
R.R.K. Hartmann(ed): Lexeter’83 Proceedings, 147-154,176-182,199-206,282-288

4.8 Uses and Users

Sidney I. Landau: Dictionaries The Art and Craft of Lexicography, 294-310
Robert Chapman: Dictionary Reviews and reviewing: 1900-1975
James B. McMillan: Five College Dictionaries
Thomas Creswell: Usage in Contemporary American Dictionaries
R.R.K. Hartmann(ed): Lexicography: Principles and practice, 123-152
Robert Ilson(ed): Lexicography An Emerging International Profession,72-81,111-122


5.1    Semantics and Bilingual Lexicography

The Semantic tradition from Kant to Carnap(1)
Realms of Meaning(4)
Linguistic semantics(19)
Dynamics of Meaning(32)
The Semantics of Syntax(I,II)(33)
Tomaszczyk, J. & Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk.B. (ed.) 1990. Meaning and Lexicography. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company
Cruse, D.A. 2000. An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press

5.2    Lexicology and Bilingual Lexicography

Dirven, R. &Vanparys, J. 1995. Current Approaches to Lexicon — A Selection of Papers Presented at the 18th Laud Symposium, Duisburg, March 1993, Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH
Singleton, D. 2000. Language and the Lexicon: An Introduction. London: Arnold, a member of the Hodder Headline Group
Hüllen, W. & Schulze, R. 1988. Understanding the Lexicon: Meaning, Sense and World Knowledge in Lexical Semantics Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag
Taylor, L. 1990. Teaching and learning vocabulary Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd

5.3    Cognitive Psychology and Bilingual Lexicography

Aitchison, J. 1994. Words in the Mind An Introduction to the Mental Lexicon Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Inc
Jackendoff, R. 1983. Semantics and Cognition Massachusetts: The MIT Press
Singleton, D. 1999. Exploring the Second Language Mental Lexicon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Allwood, J. & Gärdenfors (ed.) 1999. Cognitive Semantics: Meaning and Cognition. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company
Bransford, J.D. 1979. Human Cognition: Learning, Understanding and Remembering. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company
Taylor, J.R. 1989. Linguistic Categorization: Prototypes in Linguistic Theory. Oxford: Clarendon Press
Obler, L, K, &Gjerlow, K. 1999 Language and the Brain Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics (16)

5.4    Pragmatics and Bilingual Lexicography

Pragmatic Development(7)
Interlanguage Pragmatics(37)
Cruse, D.A. 2000. An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press

5.5    Translation and Bilingual Lexicography

Mary Snell-Hornby & E. Poehl (eds) (1989) Translation and Lexicography, John Benjamins
Bo Svensen(1993) Practical Lexicography, Oxford University Press(trans. Sykes and Schofield: originally published in Swedish in 1987) Chapter 11 , p140-162 “Equivalents in bilingual dictionaries”
Jerzy Tomaszczyk(1984) “The culture-bound element in bilingual dictionaries” in Reinhard Hartmann(ed.) LEXeter’83 Proceedings, Niemeyer, p289-297

5.6  EFL learning and Bilingual Lexicography

Gass, S.M. & Selinker, L. 2001. Second Language Acquisition: An Introductory Course. Laurence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Stevick, E.W.1996. Memory, Meaning &Method: A View of Language Teaching Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers
Carter, R.1987. Vocabulary: Applied Linguistic Perspectives London: Allen &Unwin (Publishers) Ltd.

5.7   Bilingual Dictionary Criticism

Sidney I. Landau (1984) The Art& Craft of Lexicography, p304-310

5.8   Pedagogical dictionaries and learners

Applied Lingusitics(1981)2/3, Special Issue
International Journal of Lexicography (1988) 11/4, Special Issue
B.T. Sue Atkins(ed.)(1988) Using Dictionaries: Studies of Dictionary Use by Language Learners and Translators, (Lexicographica Series Maior 88), Niemeyer
B.T. Sue Atkins and Krista Varantola(1997) Monitoring dictionary use, International Journal of Lexicography, 10/1, P1-45
Henri Bejoint (1981) “The foreign student’s use of monolingual English dictionaries: a study of language needs and reference skills” in Applied Linguistics 11/3 p207-222
Paul Bogaards(1998) “Scanning long entries in learner’s dictionaries” in Thierry Fontenelle et al (eds) Actes EURALEX’98 Proceedings Universite de Liege, p555-563
Amy Chi (1998) “Teaching dictionary skills in the classroon” in Thierry Fontenelle et al (eds.) Actes EURALEX’98 Proceedings Universite de Liege, p565-577
Anthony P. Cowie(ed.) (1987) The Dictionary and the Language Learner, Niemeyer
Anthony P. Cowie(ed.) (2000) English Dictionaries for Foreign Learners, Oxford University Press
Thomas Herbst and Kerstin Popp(eds.)(1999) The Perfect Learner’s Dictionary? (Lexicographica Series Maior, Vol.95), Niemeyer
Hilary Nesi(2000) The Use and Abuse of Learner’s Dictionaries(Lexicographica Series Maior), Niemeyer
Michael Rundell(1998) “Recent trends in English pedagogical lexicography”, International Journal of Lexicography 11/4, p315-342
Yukio Tono(2001) Research on Dictionary Use in the Context of Foreign Language Learning, Niemeyer

5.9  Electronic dictionaries and computational aspects

B.T. Sue Atkins and Antonio Zampolli(eds.) Computational Approaches to the Lexicon, Oxford University Press
Atkins, B.T.S.(1992), “Tools for computer-aided lexicography: the Hector Project” , in Kiefer et al (eds.), Papers in Computational Lexicography: Complex’92, Research Institute for Linguistics, Budapest, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, p1-59
Geoff Barnbrook(1996) Language and Computers, Edinburgh University Press
Kenneth Ward Church and Patrick W. Hanks(1990) “Word Association Norms, Mutual Information, and Lexicography”, Computational Linguistics 16/1,p22-29
Vincent Docherty(2000) “Dictionaries on the Internet: an overview”, in Ulrich Heid et al (eds.) Proceedings of the Ninth EURALEX Congress, Universitat Stuttgart, p67-74
Vincent Ooi (1998) Computer Corpus Lexicography, Edinburgh University Press
An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics (29)
Corpus Annotation (35)
Using Computers in Linguistics (36)
Corpus-based Methods in Language and Speech Processing (38)
Corpus Linguistics (39)
Computational Lexicography for Natural Language Processing (44)
Using Corpora for Language Research (3)
New Directions in English Language Corpora (6)

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